Monday, July 29, 2013

Sharing our Passion with our Kids

Sometimes I think about how I share my passion for fitness and sport-related activities with my children. I've been blessed with two active boys who love to run, jump, climb and play. "Ball" was a first word for both boys, and you can always entertain them with any type of ball. They will figure out a way to throw or kick it. Even though my boys are interested in sports, I just don't want to overwhelm them with my passions- running and weight training. I want them to find their niche and pursue it with a passion.

This Friday, my husband Seth and I are taking the boys to see the Korean Tigers perform at Master Chang's Tiger Den in Raleigh. Seth and I trained in Taekwondo with Master Chang when we were newlyweds. It was an exciting sport. We learned how to break boards, spar and kick like a bad a**. It was a great workout too. Seth excelled in our training and got his black-belt. I didn't do too bad, I got my red belt. We hadn't seen Master Chang in several years until I bumped into him at the gym. He keeps us up-to-date on all the happenings at his school, and when he told me about the Korean Tigers coming I knew this would be perfect for the kids. I just hope they will be excited as me. I enjoy so much watching their eyes light up and their faces shine with amazement as they see something new. If it isn't their thing, I'll try not to act disappointed because I want them to choose their passions.

We signed Aiden up for soccer at Lil' Kickers when he was 3-years-old. I was so pumped for him to try soccer. I loved playing soccer in elementary school and junior high. So, I figured he'd like it too. We took him to his first class, he complained and didn't want to participate in the activities. It was pretty much the same way all through the session. I was disappointed. I wanted to share this passion with him. We didn't sign him up for a whole year after that. Then one day, he told me he wanted to play soccer. I was so excited, but I didn't get ahead of myself this time. I signed him up, and he loved it. He ended up playing in all the sessions that year, and then joined the town team in the spring. So sometimes at this young age, they might not like something the first time around, but with a little growth; they might change their mind.

My advice is introduce sports. Try new things, and then maybe try it again. If it doesn't work the second time, just try something different. They'll eventually find something they like. Maybe your kids aren't into sports, but you want to teach them the importance of exercise. Try taking family walks, yoga, riding bikes or paddle boating. Let your kid pick the activity; it will be more fun. Just enjoy the exercise and cheer them on!

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Friday, July 26, 2013

How do you "clothe" yourself?

Yesterday in my Bible study, we were discussing the Proverbs 31 woman. I've never really liked this woman, maybe because she intimidates me. She really seems to have it all together, and to be honest some-days, I don't. (if you haven't read about this woman, visit Proverbs 31 to read about her). But then as I was watching the video that corresponds to the study, Karen Ehman described this woman in a 21st century viewpoint. First of all, this woman had servants. Taking care of the house and kids would be a lot easier with a nanny and maid, then I could focus on my writing career. Yet, the part that really stood out to me was how she dressed herself. She wasn't shopping at Nordstrom or Saks, but she did desire the best for herself. "She is clothed in fine linen and purple." (v.22) and "She is clothed with strength and dignity." (v.25). Fine linen and purple were garments worn by royalty of the time and strength and dignity are character traits. These verses got me to start thinking about the present time, and how as women when we pursue our goals to look good, others might view it as narcissistic.

 Do people ever ask why you go to the gym so much? or why do you get up so early to run? It can be hard to explain to others your passion about health and fitness, but I kind of believe that regular exercise and a healthy diet could be a way you "clothe" yourself. Being a mom is a tough job, and whether you stay home or work outside the home, you are constantly being pulled in multiple directions. Taking time for yourself, staying healthy and exercising regularly is the modern day version of feeling like royalty (and there's nothing narcissistic about it). Because when you take care of yourself on the outside, you are building character on the inside. When I eat healthy and exercise, I feel better about myself. I am confident and strong. Participating in a 5k race teaches me perseverance, and when I add more weight to the barbell and push myself to the next level, I become stronger.

Ladies, it's time to take time for yourself! Push away your self doubt, because you can do it. Sign up for that Zumba class at the gym and don't be afraid to shake it; sign up for that race and train daily, start that new diet and feel better inside and out, or just get your nails done and relax. Just do something for you!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Time to Mix it Up!

Lately, I've been getting bored with my workout routine. Don't get me wrong; I love working out. It just seems like the same old thing-- Monday- Legs, Tuesday- arms, Thursday-Shoulders. Friday- Mix and then press repeat. You get the picture. Then I heard about my gym (aka Sanity), is offering bootcamp/toning classes. It was music to my ears. The best part is they offer one at 9:30 am on Monday. Woo-Hoo, I am so excited. Now I can add a little something different to the mix.

All next week, they are offering the classes for free! You can visit Fitness 19 Cary Classes for a complete list of classes offered. You don't have to be a member to join the classes plus they have childcare ($3/hr). So, if you're available next week and looking to switch up your workout routine, then head over to the Fitness 19 Cary. 

I have partnered with Fitness 19 Cary in offering exclusive deals to FitTriangleMom readers. If you decide to do more than the classes, then ask for the FitTriangleMom deal and get $30 off enrollment or a personal training package.

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Monday, July 15, 2013

The Real Super Heroes

We woke up Saturday morning to an overcast cloudy sky with rain looming. The kids and I were hopeful the rain would hold off, so we donned our super hero shirts. Aiden in Spiderman, Liam in Batman and me in Batman too. We grabbed our cereal bars and milk cups (coffee for me) and got in the car. The rain drops started hitting our windshield not too far from the driveway. Our hearts were a little heavy, but I kept thinking we'd drive out of it.

When we got to the race at Wake Med Soccer park, it was still raining, but it was doable. I checked the boys in, and they got super cool green capes and black masks to compliment their outfits. I asked about the starting time for the Fun Run. Aiden was so excited; he kept telling me he was going to win. "Well," the guy in-charge said, " we already did the race." "I thought the race was at 9," I responded. "It was supposed to be," he continued,"but we were afraid it might storm." "Oh well," I said. I tried to down play it. I didn't want to the boys to be disappointed. The guy could tell the boys were sad, and led me to the inflatable obstacle course. Their faces lit up, and the race was forgotten. We all climbed through the obstacle course several times. At the end of the course, the boys were rewarded with Ice-es.


As we walked back to the car, the boys spotted a tent with snacks. Liam was yelling Nanna (banana). I went over to get him a banana, and by then Aiden had found cookies and cupcakes. And they were free! So a cupcake for Liam and a cookie for Aiden decorated in blue frosting. We got our snacks, and the boys spotted a fire truck. We ran over to the fire truck. The Cary firemen were opening the truck and showing the kids all the tools. One of the firemen asked about the race. Aiden sadly told him how we missed it. The fireman asked Aiden if he wanted to race him. Aiden was so excited. They ran to the tree and back; Aiden won! He was beaming. The fireman really made his day. I told Aiden that firemen are the real super heroes, and he agreed.


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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where are you?

Where are you today? I'm somewhere in the mix of a 6-week fitness challenge, being sick and taking care of sick kids. I was going strong for 3-weeks into the challenge-- eating right, lifting heavy at the gym about 4 times a week, and than the 4th of July weekend swoops in with ice cream, smores, BBQ- you know all the good stuff, and then to top it all off our family gets sick. Yep, yucky old upper respiratory infections which lands me in urgent care having a nebulizer treatment (I have asthma).

The first of the week was miserable. Both boys were sick. We even had to miss a birthday party. You know how that goes (tears all around). I had to tell myself it was OK to take a break from the gym. Once I got that into my head; I started to relax a little. I pulled out a Pilates video, and told myself I would mix up my routine until me and the kids felt better. I ate a little more carbs and chicken noodle soup too. My body needed extra energy to fight off the sickness.

So, now it's Wednesday, and I feel a lot better. The kids are on the mend too. I'm glad I didn't push myself with diet and exercise. It was a break that my body needed. We are back in our routine--cleaning, laundry errands, eating clean. Still not pushing myself. I'll be at the gym later this week, but I'll stick with Pilates for now. I'm also doing a .5 mile fun run with Aiden on Saturday.

During our errands today, we went to Michael's to pick out our supplies for our super hero costumes for the Alpha & Omega Super Hero fun run. Aiden is so excited to run in his first race. I am excited to share the experience with him.

Monday, July 1, 2013

You're Not Alone!

Being a Fit Triangle Mom isn't easy. If you're like me, you wake up each morning a little too early with children wanting breakfast, and you can't move fast enough to make it for them. Then it's the changing diapers, getting everyone dressed and ready to get out the door and to the gym while you keep telling the kids to stop hitting and please share. Mornings can be crazy, but it's good to know you're not alone in your fitness journey as well as motherhood.

I want to share some ways you can get connected to other Fit-minded moms like yourself in the Triangle. I tell people all the time that going to the gym is my sanity-- I get to focus on me while the kids are being well taken care of.

My friend Lori Sowers is a mother of two boys, a personal trainer and an independent distributor for Advocare. Lori has competed and won figure competitions (yes, that's her in the picture!). She knows the in's and out 's of getting your body back after kids. She offers a Saturday morning bootcamp in Holly Springs. She also offers personalized workouts and meal plans. Contact Lori at to learn more about her fitness options.

 Stroller Strides of Raleigh is another great Fit Triangle Mom connection. No need for child care, the stroller handles that and you're off. Participants do more than push a stroller, you meet other moms, exercise and have fun. Stroller Strides meet at local parks and malls to make it easier for you. Also there's Body Back, a sister program to Stroller Strides. Body Back is a result focused program that offers classes and nutritional guidance and motivational coaching. A new class is starting July 8 at 5:45 am (before the kids wake up) at the Academy of Performing Arts in Apex.

Last, but not least is me. I'm not a personal trainer; I'm just a mom that is blazing a fitness trail. When I first started this journey I was alone, but my determination to reach my goals- run a 5k and loose weight kept me going. In the process, I have made new friends and have realized it is so much fun to share fitness with others. I have signed up for some more races this year. So if running a 5k has been on your to-do list, but you didn't want to be there alone, I'll be at the following races:

Alpha & Omega Super Hero Fun Run
Raleigh Electric Run
Raleigh Color Run